"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Retired Geek - Liberals Call People Bigots and Islamophobes

Who exactly are these 'Bigots' who disapprove of Islam and its Teachings?
Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11 "Slay the unbelievers wherever ye find them..."
(The 'Holy' Qur'an, Verse 9:5)

1) These "Bigots" and "Islamophobes" are - those who do NOT want to be be-headed or tortured to death for NOT 'Believing in Islam', this teaching is NOT just some 'Old Religious Text' which is NOT applicable in Modern times - this is happening Daily all over the World - in 2010.

2) These "Bigots" and "Islamophobes" are - Females who do NOT want to be 'Stoned to Death' or 'Beaten to Death' for being Raped through NO fault of their own - this happens regularly all over the World - in 2010.

3) These "Bigots" and "Islamophobes" are - Females who do NOT want to be 'Stoned to Death' or 'Beaten to Death' - for the 'Honor' of their Husband, Father or some male member of their family - this happens regularly all over the World - in 2010.

4) These "Bigots" and "Islamophobes" are - Females who do NOT want to wear Burkhas and be covered from head to foot in Black Bags - this happens regularly all over the World - in 2010.

5) These "Bigots" and "Islamophobes" are - ANYONE who does NOT want to be killed or tortured to death for their sexual practices - this happens regularly all over the World - in 2010.

6) These "Bigots" and "Islamophobes" are - ANYONE who wants the Freedom to leave Islam and choose another Religion or NO Religion - they are ordered killed or tortured to death - this happens regularly all over the World - in 2010.

7) These "Bigots" and "Islamophobes" are - ANYONE who loves Dogs or needs a 'Service Dog' like the Blind or Hearing Impaired or Rescue Dogs or just a Household pet - Muslims kill and torture to death Dogs - this happens regularly all over the World - in 2010.

8) These "Bigots" and "Islamophobes" are - ANYONE who believes in or practices another Religion and does NOT want to be killed, tortured to death or treated and Taxed like a Third rate Citizen - this happens regularly all over the World - in 2010.

9) These "Bigots" and "Islamophobes" are - ANYONE who wants the freedom to drink Alcohol and NOT be whipped, tortured to death or beheaded - this happens regularly all over the World - in 2010.

10) These "Bigots" and "Islamophobes" are - ANYONE who do NOT want their cultural and moral values established by a state-sponsored religion, with severe punishments for NON-Adherence - this happens regularly all over the World - in 2010.

Simply defined, "Bigots" and "Islamophobes" are any non-Muslim who knows more than they are supposed to know about Islam.

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