"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Robin of Berkeley - The “Good Progressive”

Last night, I had the worst dreams. I awoke feeling like I had gone through a war zone. In some ways, I had.

The details are murky, but several dreams involved the Black Panthers and the Mafia. There was this ominous, creepy vibe throughout because of the constant threat of violence. Fortunately, I had a final dream before awakening that was comforting.

In this last dream, it was Christmas eve, and I longed to attend an early evening service. I couldn’t get anyone on the phone at this particular church to tell me the time.

Finally, I went over to the church, and peeked into the sanctuary, which was a lovely place. While there were several people preparing for the service, none knew what time it started. Finally, I found someone who could tell me the time, which relieved me greatly.

Now, I have a pretty good idea why I mostly had bad dreams all through the night. It’s because, during the day, I read a highly disturbing article by Michelle Malkin. Malkin provides a pictorial to some of the most violent and malevolent media about Sarah Palin and other conservatives.

Malkin knows from which she speaks: She wrote the book, Unhinged, based partly on the heinous emails she’s received over the years.

Although I’ve linked Malkin’s article, above, here’s a caveat. It contains some of the most blood-curdling, nauseating pictures gathered together in one place. So reader beware.

Viewing these pictures isn’t just upsetting, it is shocking. And, frankly, I’m glad that I can be shocked. I don’t ever want to stop being horrified when something is, in fact, horrifying.

Because when we stop being shocked by evil, we’ve become desensitized. This has happened to countless people out there, especially our young, who are deluged by sex and violence and porn.

What should we do when confronted with horror, such as the Wilding of Sarah Palin? In my opinion, we need to name what we are seeing, to shine a light on the darkness. If what’s happening is hate, we need to call it such. If it’s a Wilding (which means a gang rape), then we need to state this as well.

I tried to do this with one progressive who commented on my provocative article, Why the Left Hates Sarah Palin. This progressive maintained that Palin was hated because she was stupid and brought it on herself.

I picked apart his argument one by one: first, if we believe someone is stupid, we pity them, we don’t hate them. No, Palin is hated, and that is a different beast entirely.

Further, blaming Palin for her own abuse is that same blame-the-victim mentality that progressives use to discredit the real victim. This guy’s argument only reinforced my conclusion that the treatment of Palin is a type of sexual crime. Of course, rape victims are oftentimes blamed for being assaulted (as in, “She deserved it.”)

But finally, I challenged him to make a statement against the death threats, the rape jokes, and the general sexual degradation of Palin and others. I asked him to assert that such behavior is unacceptable and that he will not participate in it. Disappointing, he did not respond.

Now, there are people who actually commit crimes, and then there are those who aid and abet it. Most of us (at least on the Right) recognize when someone commits an evil act, for instance, the Jihadist, Major Hasan, at Ft. Hood.

But evil also happens when good people do nothing. So when a gang of hoods, for instance, rape a woman, the rapists are fully responsible for their crime. However, if people are in a position to stop the violence, and they choose not to, they bear responsibility as well. They are the “Good Germans.”

Today, we have the perpetuators of violence, like those sick and twisted progressives who wish sexual violence on Palin. But there are also the “Good Progressives,” who could stop the atrocities but do not. Many of them are politicians and the media; some are simply private citizens.

Every time someone laughs at a rape joke, or forwards a revolting web page, that person is a “Good Progressive. “ He or she is disseminating evil.

I know what I’m talking about: I was a “Good Progressive” for the last 30 years, and a liberal before that. While I had no idea of the extent of the violence, the threats, and the other bad behavior, ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, as the expression goes.

So now I’ve realized the error of my ways, and luckily, it’s never too late. Because what I’ve learned is that the conservative way, particularly the Judeo-Christian path, offers redemption and forgiveness.

So even though trying to sleep last night was a nightmare (as has been much of my time in the Left), I am grateful that in the end, the final dream was liberating. In the dream — and real life — I persevered, and found my way to church and ultimately to God.

Will any of the other progressives out there do something similar to me? Will they at least stand with me and renounce violence and threats of violence against others — Left and Right alike?

Or will they choose to remain “Good Progressives” — regardless of the devastating effect of this choice not only on their lives now, but when they breath their final breath?

Robin of Berkeley

Robin is a recovering liberal, and a licensed psychotherapist who lives in Berkeley, California. The above information is intended for entertainment and educational purposes, rather than to offer any kind of definitive diagnoses.
Visit Robin’s blog.

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