"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Derek Mothershead - Crimestopper With A Brutal Left Hook

When a would-be thief demanded money from a gold store, the clerk was happy to give him a hand.

Derek Mothershead was working at a Hendersonville, North Carolina store when an apparently armed robber stormed in and demanded money.

But after giving him the cash, Mr Mothershead also threw the thief an unexpected punch, knocking him to the floor.

When he came through the door he told me had a gun and he even flashed it,’ Mr Mothershead told WYFF4.com.

‘I stood up and threw my hands up and said, “Take the money.”’

The thief, later identified as 25-year-old Mostafa Hendi, came behind the counter and Mr Mothershead went to pass him cash from a drawer.

‘When he reached out, I took a step in, I cocked back and preloaded and I hit him hard,’ Mothershead said.

With the single blow, Hendi was knocked out, and Mr Mothershead was able to pin him down and call 911.

When the thief came to, the clerk forced him to mop up his own blood from the We Buy Gold shop floor with paper towels and cleaner.

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