"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Matt Barber - Atheists’ and Muslims’ Cross to Bear

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

While America mourned the 11th anniversary of the Islamic attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, atheist radicals were throwing fuel on the fire. While millions were praying for the friends and families of precious souls lost, self-styled “progressives” were preying upon the most significant symbol of hope to which many of the grieving clung.

The 17-foot steel-beam cross, found amid the rubble of the once towering World Trade Center, is at the center of a lawsuit filed by the American Atheists Foundation. While nearly the entire 9/11 memorial site remains purely secular in nature, these secular absolutists complain of unequal representation. Such a bizarre measure of inequality could arise solely in the blinded mind of a “free-thinking” relativist.

Fortunately, these Christ-hating heathens don’t have a legal leg upon which to be hopping mad. In cases like Abington v. Schempp, the U.S. Supreme Court has noted repeatedly that “religion has been closely identified with our history and government.”

In fact, the high court ruled explicitly in Lynch v. Donnelly that religious elements within a larger government display are perfectly constitutional where both a religious and a “secular purpose” are represented. There could be no better example than the case at hand.

The relic cross was dedicated to the World Trade Center Memorial. Workers, volunteers, indeed most of America, saw it as a profound symbol of hope after it was discovered amongst the debris. The cross, which many believe miraculous, brought tremendous comfort to those who lost loved ones in the cowardly, Islamo-fascist attacks.

American Atheists’ complaint reads like a bad joke. The group’s president, David Silverman, insists that he and his fellow God-deniers are experiencing debilitating physical reactions from simply witnessing the rubble cross. Such reactions allegedly include “inter alia, dyspepsia, symptoms of depression, headaches, anxiety, and mental pain and anguish.”

These materialist martyrs complain that the cross makes them “feel officially excluded from the ranks of citizens who were directly injured by the 9/11 attack.” (Well, cry me a river, princess. Suck it up and go see the school nurse.)

To be sure, our atheist flowers – like other living dead – are evidently so insecure in their lack of faith that the mere glimpse of a cross provokes a hiss, a dramatic cape-whirl-twirl and an abrupt retreat to the cold sanctuary of moonlit coffin (or Starbucks; whichever has Wi-Fi).

Am I trying to vilify David Silverman and his anti-Christian American Atheists? Not at all. I’d no sooner try to “milkify” milk. Actions define character. It’s at once both refreshing and instructive to see the godless left cast off its Apollyon mask.

Mat Staver, founder and chairman of the Liberty Counsel civil-rights firm, said of the case: “Atheist groups would like to see a total collapse of the free exercise of religion in America. The cross is a symbol of hope amidst the total destruction at Ground Zero. The lawsuit is further evidence of the war on Christianity in America. The 9/11 cross survived the terrorist attack by Muslim extremists, and it will survive the cultural attack by radical secularists.”

Indeed, radical secularists’ war on Christianity has reached biblical proportions. We saw it on full display at the Democratic National Convention. It was surreal. There, thousands of Democrats, with a unified voice, denied God three times and then booed His inclusion after shell-shocked party officials rammed Him back into the platform – this, despite an obviously failed voice vote. (The democratic process and the Democratic Party: Neither the twain shall meet.)

The uncanny symbolism was not lost on Joseph Farah, editor and CEO of WND: “It’s reminiscent of the denials of Jesus by Simon Peter on the day He was arrested for a sham trial before the Sanhedrin,” he wrote. “I didn’t hear a cock crow at the Democratic convention, unless you count Bill Clinton’s speech.”

Benjamin Franklin once observed, “If men are so wicked with religion, what would they be without it?”

We know what we’d be. We’re becoming it.

Yes, liberals’ desperate attempts to secularize America and eradicate her rich, Judeo-Christian heritage must be vigorously combatted. The left’s militant crusade to exorcise public recognition of God must not go unchallenged.

As Muslim radicals’ conduct murderous assaults on U.S. embassies around the world, secularist radicals are no less determined to kill freedom. There is, you see, a tie that binds. Both groups hate – with a visceral, all-consuming kind of hatred – the one true God. They hate all things Judeo-Christian.

But they also share a common goal. God-deniers want to destroy the America of our founding – the America of which George Washington said in his inaugural address: “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.”

Millions of Muslims, on the other hand, simply want to destroy America.

Matt Barber

Matt Barber served as Policy Director for Cultural Issues with Concerned Women for America before joining Liberty University School of Law in 2008. In addition to his Juris Doctorate degree, Dean Barber holds a Master of Arts in Public Policy from Regent University and a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management from Colorado Christian University.

Matt Barber is a published freelance writer, many newspapers and online publications run his columns, including the Washington Examiner, Washington Times, Insight magazine, WorldNetDaily.com, TownHall.com and many others.

Matt Barber was a law enforcement officer for three years and a corporate fraud investigator for five years.

Matt Barber served twelve years in the Army National Guard, and was an undefeated professional boxer, retiring in 2004. Several times prior to turning pro, he was a state and regional Golden Gloves champion, competing in the 1992 Western Olympic Trials and winning a Gold Medal in the 1993 Police and Fire World Games.

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