"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Other Side of the Story - Trillion Dollar Gold Coins - Yogurt and "Extremists"

A fractious and juvenile Senate almost matched the petulant childish actions of President Obama about raising the 'Debt Ceiling'.

Does Obama actually believe that 'Borrowing and Spending' reduces debt and will lead to a healthy and robust economy?

Barack Obama in his 'Finger Pointing' speech to the Nation, railed against George Bush for causing Obama to spend more money than any President in History, Obama even used the favorite Liberal excuse that George Bush 'Did it Too' - so that should somehow mitigate Obama and allow him to continue his 'Feckless Spending'.

Behind the scenes, Democrats were discussing minting 'Trillion Dollar Gold Coins' as a way around printing more money and raising the 'Debt Ceiling' in one fell swoop. The Liberal MSM tried covering for the Democrats by saying 'They Weren't Really Serious'?

Minting Trillion Dollar Gold Coins With Obama On Them!

Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) lashed out against plans to cut funds from defense spending, by saying that Democrats would pass a bill "To Cover the Moon with Yogurt costing 5 Trillion Dollars' one Day and then rescind it the next Day and claim they had 'Cut Spending by 5 Trillion'.

Harry Reid continued the 'ObamaFingerPointing' strategy, by stating that those resisting the 'Feckless Spending' of Obama are "Extremists" and holding the President and America hostage by NOT allowing the borrow and Spend President to bankrupt the America and turn it into another Greece?

Related Post: Barack Obama Wants to Spend More Money
Related Post: Obama, What are you going to do with the $181 Billion each Month?
Related Post: The Obama Budget
Related Post: No Ties, No Draws and No Compromise

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