I have had quite a year. On April 20th, I had surgery to repair a 90% torn labrum in my left shoulder. They said I would be feverish for a couple of days. HOWEVER by April 24th, my fever was steady at 104. On April 25th, I was diagnosed with onset pneumonia. The resulting dehydration and inability to move around due to the weakness associated with the pneumonia delayed my starting therapy for a month. When my therapy was about ½ completed, we found a house we liked. We proceeded to buy it, moved about 20-25 miles north and now reside in Stewartstown, PA. All in all, a year of mixed blessings, SO FAR! We moved into another Library system and I had bigger fish to fry, so my reading has been spotty. However I just got my York County Library Card and this problem WILL be rectified. Now onward to the fray!
I was there on Saturday, August 28, 2010. I spent the morning with NavyBrat and his lovely wife and the afternoon with AFCHIEF and his lovely family. While at the rally, I met:
1. Folks from Iowa, Alabama, Texas, Tennessee, Washington State, New York, Connecticut and MANY other states.
3. Hindus, Muslims, Baptists, Catholics, Buddhists and Atheists.
4. Geeks, Goths, Metalheads and a Bluegrass Group.
5. Cowboys, American Indians, Farmers, Doctors, Lawyers, various Tradesmen and Veterans from EVERY branch of the military and from EVERY war from Korea to Afghanistan.
Folks came in:
1. Cars
2. Buses
3. Vans
4. Mass Transit
5. Prius
6. Pickups
7. Prowlers
Much has been written about the number of people that attended, ONE incident says it all.
Beck had sponsors lined up that would donate $10 to the Special Ops Warrior Foundation (http://www.specialops.org/) for every text of "SOWF" to a given number. Beck put out the challenge around 11:00 AM. At 2:00 PM, he said that SO FAR, SOWF had raised $5,500,000.00. But that the circuits were JAMMED and the volume was STILL heavy! Divide that figure by 10 and you have a BARE minimum figure of 550,000 people on site.
Walking down the mall on my way to Beck’s Rally, I saw a SMALL group of blacks gathered. I thought they were getting up a game of football. Later I found out that the group was Al Dullton's (Al Sharpton's) ENTIRE RALLY!
BTW I SPECIFICALLY walked down the mall looking for King Shitazz and his little baton. NONE of the NNPP were ANYWHERE to be found. However Black Racists DID pay 2 preteen boys to walk through the crowd at Beck's Rally carrying a banner that basically said that ALL whites are racists. These 2 boys were SCARED TO DEATH, but I'll give them credit for guts. For brains, not so much. At NO TIME were these youngsters accosted, harassed or denigrated in ANY WAY. Folks read their sign and then ignored them.
REMEMBER the NNPP saying that they would EAT THE TEA PARTY FOR LUNCH! WHERE were these COWARDS? WHY did they send little boys to do a man’s job? I guess there are no “men” among the NNPP. In light of the COWARDICE displayed by these black racists, I think they should be renamed. Vote for their new name on the thread. Should they henceforth be called:
1. The New Pink Panties Party
2. The New Black Cheetah Party – (i.e. the speed with which they run away)
3. The Mounds Bars – (i.e. The Nutless Candya$$es)
BEFORE we get a collective shoulder sprain from patting ourselves on the back for 08/28, there are a few points we need to ponder:
1. It is your RIGHT, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, it is your RESPONSIBILITY to STAY engaged, STAY focused and hold the feet of your Senators and/or Congressmen to the fire if they displease you. Not only in 2010 and 2012, but EVERY year. Keep your eyes open, your head up and stay informed on the issues and the positions of your elected officials in Washington on these issues. This right AND responsibility was DEARLY bought and DEARLY paid for at Valley Forge, Yorktown, Normandy and MANY other places. How DARE anyone not take full advantage of then!.
2. The Liberals WILL fight dirty. They have had a taste of POWER with a Leftist Ideologue in the WH and they LOVE it! The dirty fighting will be done on blogs, in chat rooms and at the ballot box. When that FAILS, things WILL escalate into physicality. If infirmity or religious convictions preclude you from fighting back, align yourself with someone who CAN fight back and WILL fight back, but ONLY if necessary. If you don’t have a cellphone with multimedia capabilities, get one PDQ! You NEED to be able to provide PROOF of criminal activity (vandalism, voter fraud, voter intimidation, etc) and these pictures/video/audio will be timestamped AUTOMATICALLY and therefore INFALLIBLE as proof.
3. WE THE PEOPLE did NOT lose America in 1 day and we will NOT win it back in 1 day. 08/28 was not the END, it was the BEGINNING and we NEED to be ready to do it AGAIN and as many times as need be until at the VERY least Election Day 2010. If we take back the House, then we can effectively BLUNT the Communist Agenda being foisted upon America. If not, then we HAVE to continue until at the VERY least Election Day 2012. I KNOW it is easy for me say this when I only live 1 hour and change from DC and my only cost is gasoline and Metro fare cards. Right now, you might be saying that you can't afford to do it even ONCE more, let alone MULTIPLE times. RIGHT NOW I am saying that if you LOVE the America that we were born and raised in, you can't afford NOT to do it AGAIN and as often as NEED BE!
All in all, 08/28 was QUITE a spectacle. There was NO WAY we could be ignored and we MADE OURSELVES HEARD! So to all Tea Partiers who showed up, I say THANK YOU! To all Tea Partiers who couldn’t make it, I say SEE YOU NEXT TIME!
God Bless You and Thank you for Your Time,
Georgetwin from PA
Frequent Town Hall Commentator
see also Glenn Beck Rally
see also Al Sharpton Rally
1. Folks from Iowa, Alabama, Texas, Tennessee, Washington State, New York, Connecticut and MANY other states.
2. Blacks, Whites, Asians and Latinos.

4. Geeks, Goths, Metalheads and a Bluegrass Group.
5. Cowboys, American Indians, Farmers, Doctors, Lawyers, various Tradesmen and Veterans from EVERY branch of the military and from EVERY war from Korea to Afghanistan.
Folks came in:
1. Cars
2. Buses
3. Vans
4. Mass Transit
5. Prius
6. Pickups
7. Prowlers
Much has been written about the number of people that attended, ONE incident says it all.
Beck had sponsors lined up that would donate $10 to the Special Ops Warrior Foundation (http://www.specialops.org/) for every text of "SOWF" to a given number. Beck put out the challenge around 11:00 AM. At 2:00 PM, he said that SO FAR, SOWF had raised $5,500,000.00. But that the circuits were JAMMED and the volume was STILL heavy! Divide that figure by 10 and you have a BARE minimum figure of 550,000 people on site.
Walking down the mall on my way to Beck’s Rally, I saw a SMALL group of blacks gathered. I thought they were getting up a game of football. Later I found out that the group was Al Dullton's (Al Sharpton's) ENTIRE RALLY!
BTW I SPECIFICALLY walked down the mall looking for King Shitazz and his little baton. NONE of the NNPP were ANYWHERE to be found. However Black Racists DID pay 2 preteen boys to walk through the crowd at Beck's Rally carrying a banner that basically said that ALL whites are racists. These 2 boys were SCARED TO DEATH, but I'll give them credit for guts. For brains, not so much. At NO TIME were these youngsters accosted, harassed or denigrated in ANY WAY. Folks read their sign and then ignored them.
REMEMBER the NNPP saying that they would EAT THE TEA PARTY FOR LUNCH! WHERE were these COWARDS? WHY did they send little boys to do a man’s job? I guess there are no “men” among the NNPP. In light of the COWARDICE displayed by these black racists, I think they should be renamed. Vote for their new name on the thread. Should they henceforth be called:
1. The New Pink Panties Party
2. The New Black Cheetah Party – (i.e. the speed with which they run away)
3. The Mounds Bars – (i.e. The Nutless Candya$$es)
BEFORE we get a collective shoulder sprain from patting ourselves on the back for 08/28, there are a few points we need to ponder:
1. It is your RIGHT, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, it is your RESPONSIBILITY to STAY engaged, STAY focused and hold the feet of your Senators and/or Congressmen to the fire if they displease you. Not only in 2010 and 2012, but EVERY year. Keep your eyes open, your head up and stay informed on the issues and the positions of your elected officials in Washington on these issues. This right AND responsibility was DEARLY bought and DEARLY paid for at Valley Forge, Yorktown, Normandy and MANY other places. How DARE anyone not take full advantage of then!.
2. The Liberals WILL fight dirty. They have had a taste of POWER with a Leftist Ideologue in the WH and they LOVE it! The dirty fighting will be done on blogs, in chat rooms and at the ballot box. When that FAILS, things WILL escalate into physicality. If infirmity or religious convictions preclude you from fighting back, align yourself with someone who CAN fight back and WILL fight back, but ONLY if necessary. If you don’t have a cellphone with multimedia capabilities, get one PDQ! You NEED to be able to provide PROOF of criminal activity (vandalism, voter fraud, voter intimidation, etc) and these pictures/video/audio will be timestamped AUTOMATICALLY and therefore INFALLIBLE as proof.
3. WE THE PEOPLE did NOT lose America in 1 day and we will NOT win it back in 1 day. 08/28 was not the END, it was the BEGINNING and we NEED to be ready to do it AGAIN and as many times as need be until at the VERY least Election Day 2010. If we take back the House, then we can effectively BLUNT the Communist Agenda being foisted upon America. If not, then we HAVE to continue until at the VERY least Election Day 2012. I KNOW it is easy for me say this when I only live 1 hour and change from DC and my only cost is gasoline and Metro fare cards. Right now, you might be saying that you can't afford to do it even ONCE more, let alone MULTIPLE times. RIGHT NOW I am saying that if you LOVE the America that we were born and raised in, you can't afford NOT to do it AGAIN and as often as NEED BE!
All in all, 08/28 was QUITE a spectacle. There was NO WAY we could be ignored and we MADE OURSELVES HEARD! So to all Tea Partiers who showed up, I say THANK YOU! To all Tea Partiers who couldn’t make it, I say SEE YOU NEXT TIME!
God Bless You and Thank you for Your Time,
Georgetwin from PA
Frequent Town Hall Commentator
see also Glenn Beck Rally
see also Al Sharpton Rally
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