"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hardnox from VA - Do Your Duty - Vote November 2nd 2010

What is at stake on November 2nd

I keep noticing that folks keep exchanging the label Socialism and Communism as if they interchangeable.  They are quite different.
  1. Socialism is when the state decides to provide the people with all kinds of “freebies” paid for by the people that work for a living, all for the common good.
  2. Communism is when the state decides what the people will do for a living… and the people will have to like it, all for the common good.
We are all on a ride to Communism in the express lane.  Make no mistake about it.

Need proof?  Look what the government has done or has control of in just in 20 short months:
  • The government take-over of GM and Chrysler.
  • The government take-over of the entire health-care industry (1/6th of our economy).
  • The government take-over of all student loans which has already resulted in higher tuition.
  • The government take-over of the mortgage lending industry.
  • The government take-over of Banking Industry.
  • The Department of Transportation has declared that the primary focus of transportation will be towards bicycles.  What about people living in the suburbs?  Forced relocation, maybe?  
  • The Department of Homeland Security has declared those of us that take opposing views of the government as people that need to be watched, specifically folks that are Pro-Life, ex-military, pro-Second Amendment and the like.  
  • The talking-heads in the alphabet-media have brandished the term “sedition” to anyone that offers an opposing view.  It seems that “freedom of speech” is allowed only for those exclusively on the left.  
  • In addition, we’ve been labeled Racists, Fascists, Nazis, Tea-Baggers (whatever that is), and Astro-Turfers too.  Evidently, opposing views are for those only on the left.  Also, YouTube videos that have a opposing views mysteriously disappear.  
  • The Department of Health has declared a “war on fat”, so they will be telling us what to eat soon
  • The Department of Agriculture has a “Fields to Forest” program whereas farmers are encouraged to convert farmland to forests to help the environment.  We already import most of our food even though we have the most productive farmers and farmland in the world.
  • The Department of Justice has filed suit against the state of Arizona in response to Arizona’s new immigration law that actually is a watered-down copy of federal law but with specific anti-racial-profiling language.  Good plan, just provoke anti-Hispanic tensions for political gain instead of securing our borders which is actually the federal government’s job.
  •  Obama has changed NASA’s core mission from space exploration to now reaching out to Muslims because of their contribution to science.  The Muslim contribution to modern science is non-existent.
  • $800 billion “Stimulus package” for non-existent shovel-ready projects that don’t exist.  Most of the funds have been diverted to the upside-down Union pension plans in a scheme that results in Unions donating “our money” to the campaign coffers of democrats.
  • Wall Street is almost there. 
  • They already own Public Education.  Students are getting more ignorant each passing year.
Here is what is next:
  •  Immigration Reform (aka Amnesty) is on the front burner, thereby insuring millions of illegal aliens become new Democratic voters.
  •  Cap & Trade is also on the burner, the results will be devastating to our economy.  Energy costs will skyrocket all the while the Eco-nuts have blocked any and all expansion of standard and alternative energy measures through the courts.
  • Card-Check is in the wings.  This is when it will be mandatory to Unionize all industries.
Does this even sound like the United States of America?

Many more can be added.  It is mind-numbing.  The left has been plotting and dreaming of this moment for the last 100 years.

Pundits claim that this may be the most pivotal and important election in American history.  It is, make no mistake about it.  If the democrats retain power then they will most certainly hit the accelerator.

So what have you done to foster Conservative principles?  Have you engaged your fellow Americans in meaningful conversations, supported a protest rally, or do you just sit at home reading columns like this?

Obama promised to fundamentally change America and he is unless we stop him and his minions.  It’s still not too late.

Now is the time to rally any and all allies in this fight.  The future of this country depends on it.

Do your duty.  Stand up.  Vote on November 2nd.`

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