"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Importance of 2010 Mid-Term Election

Can we take back America from this 'Marxist Dictator' wannabe Barack Obama and his Hate America worshipers and 'Cult of Personality' followers - "Yes We Can"!

REMEMBER, the House of Representatives CONTROL all Spending.

The 2010 midterm election will be held on Tuesday, November 2 with all House seats coming up for election.

There hasn't been more than a 60+ seat swing in a midterm election in eighty years and usually only three factors are considered:
1) Poor economy and high unemployment.
2) Overextended party or both House and Senate controlled by one party.
3) Controversial agenda.

Where any two of these factors were present (last 80 years) - 50 lost seats were the average.

Barack Obama has introduced 6 New Factors into the mix for the 2010 mid term elections.

4) Blacks will have 'Special Rights and Protections' for intimidating non-black voters.
5) Millions of Illegal Aliens will be given amnesty and 'Free or Subsidized' ObamaCare.
6) A virtual tsunami of 'New Obama Taxes' will be released on the American Taxpayers.
7) Total malfeasance on handling the 'Worst' Ecological disaster in History.
8) Worst debt in the History of Mankind 'Dumped' on American Citizens.
9) Blatant Government attack on any State, City or local municipality trying to stop onslaught of Illegal Immigrants.

In the 2010 election, all three factors are present and six NEW factors make the projections of anywhere from 50 lost seats, to 100+ lost seats in the United States House of Representatives.

United States House of Representatives Current Democrat Majority Status (255):

* 255 Democrats with a loss of 100 = 155 or 35% control.
* 255 Democrats with a loss of 83 = 172 or 40% control.
* 255 Democrats with a loss of 50 = 205 or 47% control.
* 255 Democrats with a loss of 40 = 215 or 49% control.

United States House of Representatives Current Republican Minority Status (178):
* 178 Republicans with a win of 100 = 278 or 64% control.
* 178 Republicans with a win of 83 = 261 or 60% control.
* 178 Republicans with a win of 50 = 228 or 52% control.
* 178 Republicans with a win of 40 = 218 or 50% control.

NOTE: percentages are rounded.

Almost all polls are indicating the Conservative base is more 'Energized' than the Liberal base and Conservatives outnumber Liberals 2 to 1.

Almost all polls are indicating that Barack Obama and Democrats are losing Independents and Moderate Democrats almost daily, because of the aforementioned factors.

2010 will be the most important Election in American History - VOTE.

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