Jon Kyl, as he has for months, had some questions and concerns about the implementation, especially in the area of budgets and funding of the upgrade to the nuclear stockpile. He received one of those good-as-gold Obama promises that his issues would be dealt with. In other words, just vote for the START Treaty Jon; you don't need to read it. Later on we can find out what is in it. This was negligent for health care reform, and it nearly rises to the level of criminality for a treaty that deals with nuclear stockpiles.
In spite of a barrage of criticism, Senator Kyl held his ground. He argues, rightfully, that there are concerns with the treaty itself, as well as funding for other tasks Team Obama needs to perform to ensure the security of the American people when the treaty is enacted. Among those concerns is the modernization of America's aging nuclear stockpile. The nuclear countries of the world, except for America, are modernizing their weapons. We are not. Moreover, Obama's promise to deal with this rings hollow when his budget gimmicks allow him to claim he funds modernization when in fact he does not. Of course there is the other small detail that the Democrats have failed to pass a budget resolution and there is no funded plan by which to evaluate America's implementation of START.
Let us not forget that the Democrats need to deal with the looming tax increases, the tax increase for millions of Americans from the AMT if nothing is done, there is no budget resolution, there is a mess needing attention at TSA, and the START treaty. At the top of the Senate calendar for next Monday when they return is S.510, which is a bill about food safety. The Dems claim that START is a priority when they are scheduling Senate votes for the DREAM act, food safety, and don't ask, don't tell strain one's credulity.
This is all disturbing and it appears that the administration was hiding their intent regarding the nuclear stockpile or they were looking for issues rather than solutions.
Now we have a breaking news story that Team Obama was holding secret talks regarding START with the Soviets since May. It is not known at this point what that is all about, but Congress has written a letter to the Administration asking about the meeting and requesting documents so that they know what was discussed. Imagine that, the most transparent administration in the history of the world conducts backroom deals with the Soviets and offers them who knows what while browbeating Congress to ratify START.
It is time to slow this thing down and find out what is going on with Obama's Chicago-style foreign policy. Who knew that Reagan was talking about Democrats when he said "Trust, but verify"?
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