"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hardnox from VA - Left Hate Explained

Much of the political discourse that we have witnessed these last few days surrounding the shootings in Tucson, AZ and the conduct of the left can be explained.

The Left embraces the overthrow of our country in a way that ordinary Americans cannot fathom. Their view is completely upside down of what we on the Right believe in.

We in the West have been fighting Communism since 1916. Now it is at our doorstep. It was appalling to witness the overt demonstrations by communists at the various rallies in our nation's capital in recent months. Many of the labor unions in attendance embrace communism as displayed in the various printed protest placards.

Since the election of Obama it is apparently okay for Communists and Socialists to come out from the shadows. They are emboldened now.

Take a look at these two videos and decide for yourself if this nation has a problem or not. These were from the Brecht Forum, a center for social justice. The speaker is Jed Brandt.

Both are from March 14, 2010 in Washington DC. and it is actually partially taxpayer funded. Can you believe it? See the link below.


It is painfully obvious that we have we have a segment in our society that is bent on the complete overthrow of our government and they will use any crisis to advance their warped agenda.

These leftists shape the conversation of our political discourse whether we like it or not. The Right is always on defense.

If you've wondered why the assault on the American Right was launched minutes after this tragic event, now you know why.

"let no crisis go to waste" - Rahm Emmanuel

Fortunately, the American people are waking up to this charade. People are reviled at the blatant political hay being made at the expense of the dead and wounded.

The political rally yesterday by Obama, which was supposed to be a memorial service for the victims, was an out and out disgusting display of the left's depravity.

Passing out tee-shirts, cheering and clapping is no memorial service by any definition. The families of the dead, the survivors, and the nation deserve better than this.


Hardnox from VA

See http://hardnox-in-virginia.blogspot.com/

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