"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Despite the complete absence of evidence connecting Jared Loughner to anything that could be considered remotely Conservative ideology the Liberal Progressive Left went off half cocked in customary fashion seizing upon the crisis de jure to advance a political agenda. Within hours of the tragedy of Saturday last liberal pundit Paul Krugman seized the opportunity to vilify and link Sarah Pallin, the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and others as the source of hatred that could motivate such an atrocity. “We don’t have proof yet that this was political, but the odds are that it was.” – Paul Krugman January 8, 2011, 3:22 pm

Read Paul Krugman Article

Krugman would not be alone, Michael Daly of the NY Daily News decided to pile on hours later as sketchy information was beginning to emerge through several You Tube postings that the shooter was a demented individual without political ties. Said Daley at the time, “And, now that Palin may have the blood of more than some poor caribou on her hands, I wonder if she will continue putting people in cross hairs and calling on folks to RELOAD!” – Michael Daley Sunday, January 9th 2011, 4:00 AM

Read Michael Daly Article

Even after Tweets from former friend and classmate Caitie Parker were disseminated and went viral on the net:

The outpouring of understanding and compassion continued from the left.

Bloggers and commenters at the Daily Kos; as in this tweet from Markos Moulitsas, founder of the liberal website DailyKos,

in a further rush to judgment!

Drew Westen, Psychologist and neuroscientist; Emory University Professor and
Huffington Post contributor chimed in days later, “Even before reporters started to interview his professors and college classmates who were frightened by his erratic behavior in class last fall, the three YouTube videos he left as testimony to his mental state left no doubt that he is delusional and probably in the midst of a psychotic episode (a fancy way of saying that his brain is no longer functioning so that he can tell reality from unreality -- even by Tea Party standards).” After that outrageous remark Dr. Westen continues throughout the article an effort to link Glen Beck, Jan Brewer, Rupert Murdoch, Bill O’Reilly and the Fox News “jidad against the American Citizen”.

Read Dr. Drew Westen Article

Blame for the tragedy was not only limited to political pundits, elected official and the man most responsible for the investigation in Pima County, Sheriff Clarence Dupnik within hours was quick to advance his own political agenda through suggestion that cable right wing news commentators add to the vitriol and climate of hate which could motivate an unstable mind as Loeghner’s. “(CNSNews.com) – Arizona’s Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who on Saturday suggested radio and television talk shows were somehow responsible for inciting a man who may be mentally disturbed to kill six people and wound 13 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.).”

As it turns out the Pima County Sheriff’s Department had previous encounters with Jared Loeghner who had been making death threats against many people in Pima County including Staff of Pima County College, Radio show hosts and bloggers. The Sheriff’s Department did nothing to intercede in Jared Loughner’s reckless behavior in light of repeated offenses by an obviously disturbed young man. One has to wonder if Sheriff Dupnik’s diatribe against the right was an advancement of a political agenda or simply an attempt to deflect attention away from himself and his department for what may have been a missed opportunity to avert the tragedy of Saturday January 8, 2011.

Through the irresponsible remarks by many among the left’s talking heads a climate of fear, loathing and outright hate has been ginned up as is evident on this You Tube Video of tweets calling for everything from hatred of Sarah Palin to outright threats of death.

As the investigation unfolds in the following weeks one can only hope for the following;

1. That Gabbrielle Giffords has a full and speedy recovery returning to her rightful place on the Congressional floor representing the people of Arizona’s Congressional 8th.

2. That as the facts unfold further exposing the man and mind that could conceive such horror did in fact act alone without prompting from Sarah, Glen, Rush, Mark, Bill, Fox News or the Tea Party. Further the acts of the shooter were an anomaly however unfortunate but possible in a free society as were the acts of Mark David Chapman and John Warnoch Hinkley Jr. conceived by diseased minds without political motivation.

Additionally, to the lefts call for a toning down of the rhetoric, an apology is deserved from the many who rushed to judgment to vilify their opponents on the political stage thereby whipping up a feeding frenzy within the left’s lunatic fringe.

That said, there is a far greater probability that Congresswoman Giffords will return to Congress before any apology is forthcoming from the left.

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