Barack Obama
'Blitzkrieg' is a word normally used when discussing Warfare and is a War tactic conducted with great speed and force that is a violent surprise offensive by air and ground forces.
The desired 'Effect' of the 'Blitzkrieg' is not only destruction of the opponents’ weaponry, but psychological damage induced by stress and disorientation on the combatants and civilians alike.
"Future shock is the shattering stress and disorientation that we induce in individuals by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time."
Alvin Toffler
Any Czar appointment by Barack Obama effectively bypasses Congress or any other oversight and leaves decision-making and operational decisions in the hands of Barack Obama through 'Executive or Administrative Orders', which is the primary reason for Czar appointments. These "Czars" cover almost every aspect of life in the United States. While Barack Obama did not not invent the position of a "Czar" in Washington, Obama is well on his way of perfecting the position and having the most "Czars" in United States history.
What is alarming about the Barack Obama "Czars" is that they operate with impunity and are only accountable to Barack Obama and range from 'Auto Czar' to 'Weapons Czar'.
The constant 'Barrage of Change' coming from the White House, is primarily the result of the Barack Obama "Czars" who on a Daily or Weekly basis produce 'Shock Change' keeping the American Citizenry in a quandary about what to do next.
Obama Czars will become a labyrinth that is extremely difficult to deal with or dismantle and is probably the most dangerous and Unconstitutional thing accomplished by Barack Obama - SO FAR.
There is 'Nothing New' under the Sun and this approach was used about 70 years ago in Germany.
The German Socialist term 'Führerprinzip' and its intended function, reveals the intended operational purpose of the ObamaCzar.
The notion behind the civil use of the Führerprinzip in Germany was that unquestioning obedience to superiors produces order and prosperity, which would be shared by those deemed 'worthy'.
Given the chaotic state of the Weimar Republic between 1919 and 1933, this philosophy of 'cutting through red tape' was regarded by many Germans as a welcome change to what they had endured earlier.
This introduces another German Socialist term 'Ausnahmezustand' or in simple terms, governing by Crises, manufactured or otherwise, which causes a "Temporary" need to suspend existing rights, rules and regulations in order to deal with the "Crisis".
Barack Obama used the word 'CRISIS' 25 times in his speech about signing the 'Obama Stimulus Fiasco', where most who voted for the Bill had NOT even read the Bill.
The 'First Step' in Socialism is taking control of financial systems and devalue the currency by taxation, borrowing, spending and printing worthless money.
Manufactured Crisis example, the Obama Administration has withheld irrigation water to the most fertile 100,000 square miles of food producers in the World in California, causing unemployment and financial stress on California and soon massive food shortages for all.
Barack Obama will continue his 'Blitzkrieg of Change' until the Citizenry will demand the Government to step in and stop Crisis after Crisis by taking 'Total Control' leaving Barack Obama 'Chief Decision Maker' and 'Supreme Leader'.
This can be stopped and must be stopped in the 2012 Election
Retired Geek
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