Over the last several Months, several regular viewers of the THP Blog have made suggestions about changes and features they would like to see on THP.
Many have said that their time on the Internet is limited and they would like to spend less time 'Searching' for Articles and Videos and more time informing, and/or educating themselves and keeping abreast of what is going on in Politics and the World in general.
THP has added NEW features and better methods of reducing 'Search Times'.
An email is automatically generated each Day listing all NEW posts within a 24 hour period. Most subscribers receive this email update between 6 and 7 PM EST Daily.
Email addresses are not sold or given to anyone else by THP and THP does NOT sell ads or ask for donations - now or in the future.
THP has improved the 'Push Button Bar' near the top of the Blog. Simply clicking on a 'Button' will produce Articles and Videos as Titled or if they have 'NAV' - they will navigate you to the desired area on the blog. Clicking ANY 'Return to Top' button in an article or on the sidebar - returns you back to the 'Push Button Bar'.
THP Must See Posts are those that I have selected to keep you informed on what is considered 'Important Information' either Now or in the Future.
Every Day (24 hours) this THP feature generates a listing of the 10 most Viewed Posts on THP over a 7 Day time period and ranks them in order of viewed precedence.
This THP feature generates 5 posts from the THP archive at random, every time you access THP or press the 'Refresh Button'. This will help you find important information in case you were unable to see the post when it was published. This only goes back to April 2011, but I am working on having all 2011 posts in the future.
This THP feature generates all of the newest posts on THP since 7:00 PM EST the previous Day.
Many have said that they are only able to access THP once a Week or on the Weekend and this THP feature generates the newest 40 Posts which covers 7 to 10 Days on THP.
I am working on a way of making it easy for you to copy a link from a post and easily embed that link into an email or other Websites. The problem is that several different Browsers - Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, SPONEB, Mobile, SearchToolBars, ChromeFrame and MobileSafari and different versions of those browsers access THP and producing a simple method is NOT so simple.
Thank you for viewing THP (Town Hall Patriots) - we are averaging about 9000 viewers a Month from 115 different Countries.
Thank You,
Webmaster - RG (Retired Geek)
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