"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kevin McCullough - Why Obama Will Go Racist Against Romney

A lot has been said by those who believe the GOP has no choice but to nominate Mitt Romney for general election candidacy against incumbent President Barack Obama.

Those who have argued in favor of such a position are naive, and should fully consider many ramifications in attempting to brainwash the constituency before a single primary vote has been cast.

Realizing that some in Republican circles were trying to circumvent the voters in the process (not naming Ann Coulter specifically), I feel it's important to state some things publicly that such voices have failed to mention.

"A race war is coming if Romney is the nominee."

There: it has been said.

Now let me explain why. But before I do let me also state some things I know to be absolutely true.

I do not now, nor have I ever believed that Governor Romney, his beautiful family, or anyone associated with his campaign are racists, either overtly or covertly. My interaction with Governor Romney, the several times he's been on my show or with me in person, he has spoken in every sense about the good that needs to be done for all Americans, everywhere, regardless of their condition, birthright, or skin color.

But hear me on this point: Team Obama, headed by David Axelrod, has already plotted one of the most sinister whisper campaigns to ever touch an American election.

It will look something like the following.

If Governor Romney wins the nomination, Team Obama will set their plan into motion. It will begin with a series of private inquiries into Governor Romney’s religion. Team Obama will suggest to national broadcast networks (the mainstream media) that their investigative reporters do a series of backgrounders on the religious history of the family faith that shapes the first Mormon's nomination for President.

Out of the blue, CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, and MSNBC will do "in-depth" chronologies of the history of the Mormon Church. They will unearth "discoveries" that will garner print attention regarding the beliefs surrounding slaves of Joseph Smith. They will likely cite that he stood with pro-slavery movements in Missouri, before he was against them. They will also very much zone in on the inability for black people, or as the church literature puts it, "people of African descent" were prevented or at the minimum frustrated from becoming members of Mormon congregations for most of the church's early days.

They will go into great detail as to how the early Mormon beliefs held that black people were Lamanites, according to the Book of Mormon a group of people who were "dark" because of their rebellion against God. Words like "the mark of blackness" (which still exist in the Book of Mormon) were intended to tell of a person or people of "blackness" who were on a path of unrepentant destruction. Theories of the "curse" of dark skin, and all that "curse" could be understood to mean will be bandied about on talk shows.

Finally, Brian Williams, Scott Pelley, and Diane Sawyer will introduce news packages that examine "very carefully" the entire idea of why it took Mormons until 1978 to allow "people of African descent" to participate fully in their faith, and even then only after a "revelation."

The major media newsers will ask, "What kind of revelation did it require if the rest of the nation had settled the full issue of civil rights first in the 1870's and then again in the 1960's?"

Please note carefully that many of these news pieces will likely not even mention Governor Romney's name, and if they do, many will be in a very cursory manner. But the damage will be done because of Axelrod's second piece to the puzzle.

Ready to pounce, Obama minions--armed with the best e-list in political history--will see to it that those reports will go viral by way of web replays. Every major urban area and all the supposed "civil rights leaders" in each city will communicate with leading clergy, community, and inner city leaders. Within days, not weeks, but days of Romney securing the nomination the whispering campaign on the streets will be, "You know Romney's a Mormon, and you know how much they hate black people--sorry--I meant people of African descent."

Mormonism's natural schism with Christianity will also put Black Evangelicals in a tough spot and while the inclination would be to be more enthusiastic if an Evangelical or even Catholic were the nominee, the dual "problem" of Mormonism will suppress turnout, and possibly prevent a 2-3% swing in the black vote in 2012. That swing will be necessary to replicate Bush totals amongst blacks in 2004 and to give the GOP nominee a chance at victory.

Axelrod's whisper campaign will not make headlines, it will travel almost exclusively through back channels in ethnic communities from suburb to city, and it will propel Barack Obama to a second term by the narrowest of margins.

It will be irrational.

It will be illogical.

It will be based on more falsehood than truth.

And it will be effective...

Conservatives and Republicans were natural allies of black voters during reconstruction. Post civil war Republican chapters were largely dominated and peopled by former slaves, and in less than twenty years following slavery's end, multiple former slaves served as Congressional representatives as Republicans.

Couple that with the fact that the Ku Klux Klan was originated, advanced, defended, and arrogantly boasted of by exclusively Democrats, and one would think that a thoughtful black vote today would run as far and as fast as possible in the opposite direction.

Unfortunately, few votes cast by African Americans in the modern era are thoughtful. And because President Obama and David Axelrod know this better than most, and because they know how easily manipulated mass numbers of African American voters are today, they will have no issues whatsoever going racist against Mitt Romney, should he become the GOP nominee.

It also should not surprise us that they are even now laying the foundation for this attack, as Democratic strategist Tad Devine did this week in "The Hill."

This problem is not a small one. Axelrod and Obama are already executing this game plan. And Republican voters owe it to themselves to pick the best nominee in accordance to their values. Republicans should also ferociously push back on false claims of racism. More than anything, Republicans should systematically engage in political evangelism with African Americans they know, to discuss tax policy, earnings and savings appreciation, and demonstrate why another four years of Obama will hurt them worse than they are hurting now.

There will be some who think this entire explanation defies seriousness. Some talk-radio hosts may say so. Some best-selling authors who are attempting to convince GOP voters to give up before the race even begins may dismiss it out of hand. But they would be wrong!

And though I'm sure it will get me in trouble...

It had to be said!

Now the question remains: what will you do?

Kevin McCullough

Kevin McCullough is the nationally syndicated host of "The Kevin McCullough Show" weekdays (7-9am EST) & "Baldwin/McCullough Radio" Saturdays (9-11pm EST) on 289 stations & Sirius/XM . His newest best-selling hardcover from Thomas Nelson Publishers, "No He Can't: How Barack Obama is Dismantling Hope and Change" is in stores now.

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