Five bullets fired from a .38 revolver weren't enough for a Georgia mother of two to stop one intruder last week in an unexpected home invasion--what if there had been more intruders?
It often takes several shots to stop one attacker. If the maximum magazine capacity is 10 (or if all semiautomatic handguns are banned, but 6 shot revolvers remain), and a woman in danger has to stop and reload her weapon while trying to protect her children (who are likely hysterical at this point), it gives the bad guy an opportunity to react--potentially fatally.
Laws limiting magazine capacity and availability of semiautomatic handguns will directly impact women, who use these weapons for self-defense inside and outside the home. Any executive action by President Obama to restrict guns will limit a women's capability to fight back against attackers and protect herself and her family.
The bottom line is that guns are used for lawful self-defense every day. Sadly, they also used for illegal violence every day. But enacting laws that further restrict or ban law-abiding citizens’ access to firearms does nothing to address violent crime. It merely disarms the good guys."
Anna Rittgers
Independent Women's Forum senior fellow.
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