My dream involves having a strong, powerful, protective leader, one who truly cares about you and me and this country. This President would not play people off of each other; he would certainly not foster racial division, if not outright violence, in pursuit of revolutionary goals.
He would be someone like Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter.
Nutter stood up before the pulpit of his church last Sunday, not just as a mayor but as an obedient servant of God. He spoke passionately and angrily about the mobs of black youths who have randomly and senselessly attacked white passersby. Nutter did not mince words: he said that these youths not only disgraced themselves and the city, but the black race.
While emphasizing that most blacks in Philadelphia are good people, Nutter confronted those who Blame Whitey, demand respect without doing anything to deserve it, and who neglect or abandon their children. LIke Bill Cosby before him, Nutter told black youths to clean up their acts, pick up their pants, expand their language, and start acting like respectable males and females.
But the mayor is not just words with no action; he has some concrete plans to get some control over Philadelphia. He is instituting a curfew system, something that I wish Milwaukee, Berkeley, Oakland, and other cities under siege by mob violence would have the guts to do. He also warned that parents who don’t keep a watchful eye on their little delinquents may ace some hard time as well.
Watch Mayor Nutter in action, and see what it’s like for a real man, a real leader, to take charge of a volatile issue. Rapidly spreading flash mobs of black kids attacking whites are spreading like wildfire across this country. It has the potential to rip the country apart at the seams, and invite counter attacks by whites (who will then be vilified as racists).
Of course, Obama says nothing, just as he has remained quiet and complicit through all the mob violence, and his Justice Department’s failure to prosecute the New Black Panthers. Why should he say something? The anarchy and chaos are just what the left wants; it’s what they do.
Behold what’s it is like for a strong man to speak frankly, with no concern about the PC police. Of course, it is no coincidence that Nutter is a church goer (a real church, not the false teaching of Liberation Theology) and an obedient follower of God. It’s also not surprising that Nutter was raised in a strong, two-parent family that didn’t encourage and enable delinquency.
Watch the videos below and then imagine that someone like Mayor Nutter was at the helm of this government. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not talking about his policies. I’m referring to his dignity, morality, courage, and faith.
I have a dream. But it’s not the one we’re living in. This one is a true blue nightmare.
Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia
Robin of Berkeley
Robin is a recovering liberal, and a licensed psychotherapist who lives in Berkeley, California. The above information is intended for entertainment and educational purposes, rather than to offer any kind of definitive diagnoses.
Visit Robin’s blog.
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