"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Robin of Berkeley - Which Republican Can Beat Obama?

Originally Posted on American Thinker
I love Michele Bachmann. I'd vote for Sarah Palin in a heartbeat. In fact, I'd pull the lever for any Republican candidate for President, though I'd have to hold my nose for the more moderate ones.

But who do I think could actually win against the Obama machine? A strong black man. . as in the brainy, charismatic Herman Cain.

One of the things I've been doing since I woke up from my leftist coma three or so years ago is closely observing Obama. I've been trying to figure out what makes the man tick.

My guess is that Obama had a terrible childhood, worse than we know. I wouldn't be surprised if there was quite a bit of abuse, as well as neglect. We all know about the continual abandonments.

Without much nurturance, but given the illusion of greatness by others, Obama has developed a Messiah Complex. He thinks he walks on water. There are not too many mere mortals who could intimidate him.

Obama made mincemeat of Hillary. While I am a huge Sarah fan, I think he'd do the same to her. The genial and gracious Michele -- he'd descend on her like a vulture. A white male, a Native American man. . . all the same. He and his handlers would chew them up and spit them out. But it would be different with an African American alpha male.

I think that someone like Cain could and would put Obama in his place. And though Obama would pounce on Cain, Obama's bark would be worse than his bite.

My guess is that Obama would feel weak around him; Obama would become the beta male he truly is deep inside, though he hides it. It's not a coincidence that Obama chose dominant black men as father figures such as Frank Marshall Davis and Rev. Wright.

I predict a more tongue-tied and intimidated Obama if he has to go up against Cain. For one thing, Obama is used to using race to silence white people. How much harder it would be for Obama to bulldoze and menace Herman Cain.

I see many other potential benefits of a qualified, black candidate like Cain. Certainly, Cain's running would neutralize the left's cries of racism. And their attempts to smear Cain as an "Uncle Tom" would reveal for all the world to see the inherent racism in the so-called progressive movement.

Cain as nominee would also draw new people to the Republican Party. Cain's straight-talking personal style and compelling message would attract blacks to the Party for the first time in eons. He would grab the imagination of dissatisfied blacks, particularly traditional families who have been skittish about joining the right.

A black man would also have the gravitas to articulate the core values of conservatism in a way that could appeal to minorities. Who knows? Given, Cain's down-to-earth manner and his strong character, he has the potential to be another Ronald Reagan.

Is it fair to choose a candidate partly based on race? Two words here: Barack Obama. Only the most hard-core and deluded leftist would argue that Obama's meager resume prepared him to be the Leader of the Free World.

With Obama nominated and installed based almost entirely on his race, choosing based on skin color along with integrity and intelligence is perfectly appropriate. Cain brings plenty of both to the table, along with common sense, business experience, and economic prowess. And, along with the sanity of a Cain presidency, wouldn't it be icing on the cake to have the first fully black president be a conservative?

Will I get my wish? God, I hope so. Anything is possible in this year's GOP horse race.

But from what I see, the strongest chance we have to reclaim the White House -- and perhaps to save this nation -- is Herman Cain. I just hope that the head honchos in the Republican Party, as well as the American people, see things the same way.

Robin of Berkeley

Robin is a recovering liberal, and a licensed psychotherapist who lives in Berkeley, California. The above information is intended for entertainment and educational purposes, rather than to offer any kind of definitive diagnoses.
Visit Robin’s blog.

Related Post: Art Laffer - Herman Cain's "9-9-9 Is A Wonderful Plan"
Related Post: Could Herman Cain Take on President Obama?
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