"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan

Monday, December 12, 2011

American History Condensed - Constitutional Amendments19 - 27

My people perish from a lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4: 6 (KJV)

Many cannot understand the differences between a right - a privilege - sanction.

America is a Constitutional Republic ruled by Law and NOT a Democracy that is ruled by the 'Majority of the Minute'.

'Constitutional Rights' are Human Rights - life, liberty, freedom to own property, freedom from Government, freedom to worship or not worship, freedom to assemble, freedom to vote etc.

'Privileges' - A Society of Free Individuals can also 'Grant' certain Privileges that have requirements by competent authorities, e.g. Granting licenses to Medical Doctors, Airplane Pilots, Automobile Drivers etc. in order to prove the ability to meet Standards of knowledge, competency and perhaps age.

A Society of Free Individuals can also 'Sanction Certain Societal Behavior' e.g. the 'Age of Consent for Sex', Marriage, consumption of Alcohol and what 'Drugs' are legal or illegal etc.

That Society has the 'Right' to Sanction or authorize, approve, support or allow certain behavior within the Society, is a point of concern for some within Society.

Some believe that Government (at ANY level and especially at the Federal level) should have 'No Role' in determining who can marry or at what age, whether abortion should be legal and/or at what age, what drugs should be freely available or restricted and what the age of consent should be for sex etc. - these people believe that a Society of Individuals have NO right to Sanction ANY behavior.

This reveals the age old struggle between 'Good and Evil' and most likely will never be settled by law.

There are two major perspectives that Americans hold when it comes to 'Society'.
  1. The transformation of Society, to match the Depravity of Humans (Liberal Progressive and Libertarian).
  2. The transformation of Society, to match the standards that have produced Greatness in Humans (Conservative).
Some Americans hold the first view (1) that their morals and emotional nature should be accepted by other humans and their self-esteem, morals, values and personal identity is based on that acceptance. Those who hold this view deem this 'Character by Diversity' or 'Character by Freedom of the Individual'. This view is implicit in the notion that - there are NO standards - there are NO moral codes - there is NO right and wrong.

Many Americans believe that the second view (2) will bring about 'Historical Character'. They believe that a societies morals, standards and values, must be measured against societal standards that have proven in history, to bring about self-esteem, morals, values and personal identity of self worth.

Once again, these two societal views when abstracted, reveal the age old struggle between 'Good and Evil'.

Should Society fight against Evil, or should Society give in to Evil and produce a 'World of Darkness'?


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